In this notebook, we approach the problem of predicting dangerous events in air quality from land-based sensor data in urban centres. We employ continual learning techniques to reintroduce instances ...
<!--StartFragment--> ## **To anyone who would like to use my model to correct water reflectance in the intertidal regions:** Lyzenga's model is widely used to estimate water depth or water reflectan...
Zhanchao Shao, Prof. Karin Bryan, Dr Moritz Lemann, Georgina Flowers and Prof. Conrad Pilditch have been working together to develop a new methodology using machine learning and remote sensing data t...
In this notebook, we explore state-of-the-art machine learning approaches to the task of estimating the concentration of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) from remote sensing data (satellites). The goal of this...
Below is a video from a camera trap set in New Zealand for which we wish to detect the species of critter in the video.
This notebook describes how to get observation data from the thredds server set on top of the Moana 25 year hydrodynamic hindcast of New Zealand waters. The data is freely available from that server u...
This notebook describes how to work with the raw radar files produced by the MetServices rain radar network. It shows how to read them and interact with the key quantities to plot the data. The last p...
This notebook describes how to get observation data from one of MetOcean Solutions' observation API. The data that can be accessed though the API come from different sources such as MetService's auto...